The Trio Sport Center is opening on June 1st. We’re having classes with the principal that everybody is training with the same partner all through the class. Between 1.6.–19.6. the classes are as follows:
- Mondays 18–19:00
- Wednesdays 19:00–20:15
- Fridays 7:00–8:00 (no class on June 5th)
When practising you should follow these rules:
- Don’t come to the dojo if you or someone in your close circle is having any symptoms of illness!
- Change clothes at home, don’t use the dressing rooms at the Sport Hall.
- Disinfect the tatami both before nd after the training session. The Sport Hall is providing the disinfectants and sweepers.
- Practise the whole time with one partner. You can either set a training date beforehand with someone or you can choose a partner at the dojo from the people who are available.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before and after the practice.
After the summer break we will organise classes again starting Monday July 27th. The schedule is:
- Mondays 18:00–19:00
- Wednesdays 18:00–19:15 (ATT! Changed time!)
- Fridays 7:00–8:00
We go back to the winter schedule on Aug 17th 2020.