We will have two seminar days in December and quite a few cancellations during the holidays as well. Here is a list of all the upcoming exceptions.
Independence week
- Tuesday 5.12.17 at 20.15-21.15 free training is possible
- Wednesday 6.12.17 no class
Pre-christmas seminar weekend 16.-17.12.2017
- Seminar on Saturday 16.12.17
Seminar classes at 10.30-13.00 and at 15-17 - Juniors will have their last class of the season at 11.30-12.30
Next juniors class on Saturday 6.1.2018 - Party at the cafeteria after the class!
- No class on Sunday 17.12.2017
During holidays
- No classes from Saturday 23.12. to Tuesday 26.12.2017
- Seminar on Saturday 30.12.2017
Seminar classes at 11-13 and 14.30-16.00 - No class on Sunday 31.12.17 nor on Monday 1.1.2018.